I may have an airy-personality, but that by no means, means that I am always off in space... But I can agree with the fact that, if I DO have space-cadet tendencies, they are only to my benefit.
From being a space cadet, I have a greater perspective on things around me. Greatly aware of my surroundings and how to navigate safely. I see the BIG PICTURE. I'm up in higher places...my thoughts fill up space vs. getting lost in it. I'm definitely not blind to the obvious, but can say that I have a 6th Sense to things seen and unseen. I can 'see' people. And by that, I don't mean dead people.
*I'm an astronaut looking down at jet pilots.
“Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is opinion” -Democritus quotes (Greek philosopher, 460-370bc)
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