Mood Quote:OCT72010

Mood Quote:OCT72010
"Maybe the best any of us can do is not quit, play the hand we've been given and accessorize the outfit we've got." - Carrie
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14 April 2010

If You Like It then You Should.....

"..and then God created Saturn, & He liked it, so He put a ring on it!"

If you want something, go get it. Don't let anything stand in your way. Take a leap of faith, there will always be someone to catch you when you fall. Tell someone that you love them, don't assume that they already know. Apply for that job you've always wanted; go back to school. Ask that girl out, that you see everyday at Starbucks. Try something new. Eat exotic cuisine. Take a trip around the world. Live life. Experience it, don't just let everyday come and go.....take it by the reins and decide where you want to go. In other words, "put a ring on it!"

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