Mood Quote:OCT72010

Mood Quote:OCT72010
"Maybe the best any of us can do is not quit, play the hand we've been given and accessorize the outfit we've got." - Carrie
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11 August 2010

Kim K and J.B Photoshoot

This pic is my fave. LOVE her striped coat!
Here are a few photos from Justin Bieber and Kim Kardashian's photoshoot in the Bahamas. Let's hope Kim Kardashian doesn't get any fan hate like she did back in May! Here's an excerpt courtesy of the Toronto Star:

Bieber tweeted a photo of the two together and called Kardashian his girlfriend, and the 29-year-old gamely responded that she had "Bieber fever."

But Kardashian tweeted on Tuesday that she had felt the wrath of Bieber's jealous devotees.

"I'm getting death threats from your fans! This is unBeliebable!!!" she wrote.

The teen heartthrob politely asked his fans to back off on Wednesday morning.

"Ladies calm down," he wrote. "(Kardashian) is a friend. A very sexy friend but a friend. No need 4 threats. Let's all be friends and hang out often ;)"

1 comment:

  1. there is something retarded with their photos. i hate beiber and im not a fan of kim. hahaha
