is a philosophy everyone practices...
We are living in a world where every step we take can be tracked and documented. Celebrities are prime examples of how we are in the age-of-information. We are in-the-know of their every word, movement and action-- just monitor sites like TMZ and you'll probably find out what Britney Spears ate for breakfast!
It takes milliseconds for us to receive information - whether via text, email, or internet fodder. Adolescents today are graced with text-mates and mobiles, whereas in my heyday, it was the pager, and numerics-- 7177 spells my name. Figure it out*
Therefore it is no surprise to me, how powerful technology has become. I for one feel disconnected when I haven't checked my emails, logged onto my facebook account, or have been deprived of my daily recommended intake of PerezHilton dot com.
With technology having such a wider reach these days, we must also take some precaution with our internet -browsing-. All activities are logged and in-cased like timecapsules, hence we must always put our best foot forward in everything we do. Needless to say, this is emphasized enough by my new position with a computer-based company; even information there travels in the blink of an eye!(See Wolf in Sheep's Clothing post)
A surprise visit from the owner yesterday evening left me to do what my instincts told me to: put your best foot forward....
With all the work, effort, and initiative over the past weeks, I have more than just laid all my cards out on the table, I have given them the opportunity to recognize my full potential. To succeed in the world today, and beat-out the competition is to raise that bar, go that much further, and give yourself that much needed-edge.
So to make this philosophy my very-own, let the summer be your motivation to get a pedicure, buy yourself a pair of sky-high stilettos, and strut your stuff with the world as your runway!
OR in Frank's case,
buy yourself a pair of the best industrial-strength construction boots, climb down that hole, and get dirty!!
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