Through some chit-chat today, I came to a very enlightening realization. I have quite a work portfolio. Work experience is a growing experience. Through the various positions I have carried, and chosen, to occupy my well-valued time, I have witnessed a common thread. Anything that I decided to do, was an extension of where I was at in that time of my life. My earlier retail fiascos were reminiscent of my pick-up-my pay check THEN go-for-lunch-and-spend-it days. A time where money seemingly grew on trees, and financial responsibilities were non-existent. Then came my salon receptionist job, where I enamored myself with the pampered-puppy attitude, where you tipped people for aesthetic services rather than providing you with speedy/excellent at-the-table kind of service. Summer of '05 gave me a job that was already In The Bag---working with Trevor Owen Ltd. (Google 'em, and you'll know what I mean by that..) a job that allowed Frank and I to work side-by-side, or at least, have our lunches together, all summer-long <3>
Another must-mention job was my bikini-bay sales associate position, where I humoured people by admitting that,"yes, I sell bikinis, BUT I don't wear one while I work!" On-the-side I held an At-Home-Tutoring job where I found myself becoming more like a Big Sister, than just a tutor. It was so hard to have that job end at the 2-year point...but on the bright side, that following summer, I had the priviledge to work for the super-posh, high exec. Scotia Capital- Scotiabank, on the 62nd floor of Scotia Plaza. It took a full 2 minutes to get to the top, and believe me, being sardine-packed in an elevator with thumb-numbing crackberry executives, made the ride THAT much longer. All you could hear was the insurmountable sound of their thumbs typing layers of skin away! You have no idea how I ecstatic I was when my *ding came to announce my release from the click-click-clicks! Throughout the day, I would even find myself still teeth-chattering to the sound of all those click-click-clicks!! :) A delightful work experience nonetheless, as I walked in the shoes of a Downtown Dolly; always checking my watch for the time, parading through the city in flocks with destination:financial district in mind, and the end-of-the-day, Catch the GO marathon; only to realize that your train was delayed because of "signal problems." Soon after, I gained 2 wonderful volunteer jobs where I delighted myself in working as a mentoring coach and catechism teacher. Two positions that I hold near and dear to my heart. A reconciliation with my nieces' old daycare centre provided for an ECA opportunity, and a summer that was filled with much fun, laughter, bandaids and diaper changes! Through the google-friendly web, I stumble upon something so FoolProof, that it turned out to be KidProof! --- My Most Cherished Work Experience To Date! I travel like a winged-messenger across the GTA and teach kids skills that will not only make them wiser, but will give them the kind of knowledge that could one day save their lives! Fast worward to late '07 and I gain my very own click-click job with the TCDSB. Hours flew by as I clicked my heart away and completed tasks like speedy gonzalez...I became numb to the constant typing, as I became one with the keyboard *lol. A few weeks later, I found out that my need for speed was to my very own detriment... shortage of work, meant bye-bye-bye; I couldn't possibly reduce myself to less than 16 hours a week, plus the chance of it becoming a more casual on-call position, than something steady/reliable. Another bullet to add to my resume, I found a position where I could combine my two loves: computers and kids... Teaching those courses was so much fun, and unlike kidproof, I had weeks of constantly seeing the same kids and watching them progress and learn from what I have taught them, with the final products being MS WORD 5-Day forecasts and different topic-ed power point presentations for eg. "Places in the World I Want to Visit." This job emphasized why short-term contracts are like those "have fun while it lasts" experiences: it goes before you get a chance to sit back and take it all in. Finally, proud to add another Gold Star position for my TC App., working at Learna is a great experience in and of itself. Reminiscent of my job-prior, it combines any and everything I have done up-to-date. A combination of all my skills and experience, and most importantly, my passion, this job is truly me. I think my job-hunting days are over...that is, until I'm Certified(-platinum--plated name plate *wink-wink
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