Mood Quote:OCT72010

Mood Quote:OCT72010
"Maybe the best any of us can do is not quit, play the hand we've been given and accessorize the outfit we've got." - Carrie
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15 March 2008

Rest in Peace Lolo & Lola

Ever since I was small, I always wanted to grow older. I couldn't wait to grow up. Surrounded by so much love and so many people, I wasn't too young to understand the enormous impact these people would have on me. My Lolo and Lola came to visit a couple of times after we moved to Canada.
You can never really put into words what people mean to you, until you actually do and find the perfect words to put together that will give people a glimpse of something that great.
I always prided myself on having all 4 of my grandparents, and it was something I always knew was special to have. All that changed December 2006, and this morning.
If i could have one wish, it would be to stay young forever, just so they could still be here, in their prime, healthy and happy. One thing I do like about the fact that I am older, is that I can fully and truly appreciate all that they have done.
So in memoriam to my Lolo and Lola, I will forever keep the image of two roses, burned into my everyday.
Every morning I wake, every evening I sleep, I will always remember you.
All I need to tell myself is that you're
Together again.

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