Mood Quote:OCT72010

Mood Quote:OCT72010
"Maybe the best any of us can do is not quit, play the hand we've been given and accessorize the outfit we've got." - Carrie
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06 October 2009

This is....GREAT: Backstreet Boys release THIS IS US

So my babies have released their next LP entitled This Is Us. I'm gonna go spoil myself and buy it- for the morning drives in and the evening drives home. =) Another reason to go to Yorkdale for the Xth time in the past month!

My BFF even has their Chapter 1 on replay in her car- she can't deny that she'll always KTBSPA! We discussed what our fave bsb songs are and agreed that it's often their unreleased songs that hit a chord with to mention: Back to Your Heart off Millennium. Again, both agreed that that was by far- their best LP.

I've already been a snooper and have heard many of their songs on this new album- but to hear the studio quality- is what I'm waiting for.

It's like I'm a tween again (except these are not the Jonas Brothers) they're the Backstreet Brothers and have held their own since the '90s pop revolution.

I'm proud to say their back...not for the now seemingly non-existence in mainstream radio- but for the fans.

BSB Fans are and always will love them, and for this record This_is_FOR_Us!

Penny Pincher

The school year is in full swing and I've come to see the additional expenses that require my pocket-strings' attention. The expense of gas, parking and the sort are fixed expenses that I now need to take in account for the months I am in school.

I have plenty of expenses to follow- not to mention the tuition- for the year so I have to save every penny I've got. Aiming to see where my money trickles out from under, I'm now vowing to not eating out. Period.... well, not exactly. I'll get a coffee here and there- but no Starbucks runs, which equates to radical spending- careless spending.

I'll be happy to get my piggy bank and money re-acquainted.


I'm one step closer to becoming a volunteer at The Toronto Zoo. I have, for many years, wanted to become a volunteer-- but scheduling conflicted with their mandatory training sessions and all that- so here I am, with an interview on the 16th to meet with their volunteer co-ordinator..

One check mark on my long to-do list.

=) Don't think I can hide how excited I am-- but in case it's not translating, I'M UBER EXCITED!

02 October 2009


Set the Scene: In Frank's room talking about randomness after work, as he drifts in and out of consciousness; falling asleep to my rambling.

I often gauge his level of awareness by asking him weird questions and based on his reaction, I can tell whether or not he's really falling asleep. As an example, as follows:

(.....*following a conversation about reading comprehension in elementary school)
Jill: Do you remember the first reading story that I helped you on and you got a good mark for it?
Frank: *pause* ...Midnight is a Place...
Jill: *in a ranting voice* No! That's not it- you know that was later in the year, why would you answer that? bla bla bla...
Frank: *interrupting her* ...Ogopogo. Now can you please shut up about me not remembering...I just wanted to see your reaction. *imitating her saying* "Oh I can't believe you don't remember!***
Jill: *crying. How do you remember? I can't believe you remember Ogopogo....
Frank: *pause* First she's whining, now she's crying. I'm going to sleep!
Jill: Please don't scratch yourself and ruin such a nice moment.
