Mood Quote:OCT72010

Mood Quote:OCT72010
"Maybe the best any of us can do is not quit, play the hand we've been given and accessorize the outfit we've got." - Carrie
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All About She

To read more about She, click on the 'Cover Girl' posts

Just your Average Jill, working and playing in the Fabulous city of Toronto. This blog is my aversion to retail therapy and the modern day equivalent of a hand-written diary.
Given name
Jill Ann. I go by Jilliann, as I am often affectionately called because being called 'Jill Ann' is reserved solely for my mother -for example, "Jill Ann, Bring down your dirty dishes!" *bad habit, I know.
Side note: The i in Jilliann also serves as a 'pretty hyphen' which is needed here in North America, in order for Jill Ann to officially be classified as my first name -and not first/middle.

My 2 Loves: Frank and Rocky. One is Italian, the other is Mexican. They both have my heart.....

The original internet-abbreviation lingo way before LOL.: 24. SWF. (not single, white, female.) SingleWorkingFemale who works and plays in the fabulous City that is Toronto.

School/Work Info
Completing my Psychology Degree at York U. As for jobs, I'm a Jill of all trades and have worked as the following, administration assistant, sales associate/cashier, tutor, coach/mentor, child safety instructor, education centre coordinator/manager, and finally, receptionist.

Really, I'm not a sporty kind of girl. My shoes of choice are high heels, and those aren't very athletic. Throw me on a patch of grass to play soccer or football, and I'll lay out a blanket and set up a picnic. The only interest I have these days, along with loving, living, and laughing is blogging.