Mood Quote:OCT72010

Mood Quote:OCT72010
"Maybe the best any of us can do is not quit, play the hand we've been given and accessorize the outfit we've got." - Carrie
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02 July 2008

1st Day of Summer Camp

Today was my first day of Summer Camp.. A very enlightening experience, and I'm looking forward to the next 9 weeks. The kids are great and the experience will no doubtedly be beneficial to me. I am pleased with my abilities, as today was my first trial-run of my weekly-themed, daily lesson plans. As it was Canada Day yesterday, as per our "Explore the World" theme- Canada is our first destination country. I had the kids learn about Canada's national animal: The beaver. I taught them some basic facts about beavers and related different concepts to other wildlife; for e.g., prey vs. predator: prey: beaver, predator: fox. The kids were very engaged and I was very glad to see their participation! Afterwards, I created a "beaver cut-out" which they would in turn colour, cut-out and then glue to a piece of construction paper. In addition to their 'Canada package" they coloured in and cut out a flag for the beaver to hold. The kids created some really cute beavers!! :D
Tomorrow we're going to Greece! We're going to watch Hercules- the Universal Studios Version- post storytelling. I'm going to be telling them two famous myths: The Story of King Midas and The Boastful Spinner- Arachne. Need a refresher? Wikipedia it!
You may make a new friend today. In an interesting turn of events, this friend may help you out a great deal to remain calm and focused amid several challenges you may be facing. You are sure to realize what a lucky meeting this turned out to be and will thank your lucky stars that this person came into your life at this exact time. - Horoscope

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