Mood Quote:OCT72010

Mood Quote:OCT72010
"Maybe the best any of us can do is not quit, play the hand we've been given and accessorize the outfit we've got." - Carrie
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13 May 2009

MAXImize the Maxi Dress

My first encounter with Maxi- as we will call her- was in 2003, for multicultural day at Cardinal Newman; where I wore my mother's Philippine-ethnic-print maxi (now aged 29yo & in pristine condition).

>>> Fast forward to 2009 and my love for Maxi is evident, if not obsessive. *a little background info, most of my formal dresses I've opted to wear long gowns versus anything shorter because I think I have 'chicken legs' (goes back to my childhood) anyway, as I digress, Maxi is a MUST and my ultimate fave summer fashion-piece.

I just bought one like #3 below, but in purple!
If you're unsure of the "trend"
and want to get your feet wet without the full dive,
I got mine at Winners for $24.99! Another place to check out
- if you've been living under a rock-
is Forever21
(for a much wider selection of styles/prints/colours)

MAXIMIZE your summer experience with a
Maxi Dress!

1 comment:

  1. Great choice!! I like those dresses!! Sky and blue maxi dress... It looks cool and stylish for summer time...
