Mood Quote:OCT72010

Mood Quote:OCT72010
"Maybe the best any of us can do is not quit, play the hand we've been given and accessorize the outfit we've got." - Carrie
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02 September 2009

CNE: Let's Go to the Ex!

Without the usual multitude of pics to illustrate my posts, I chose Kenny (from South Park) for my CNE post because he holds particular significance to the day. I can summarize the day as follows:

  1. Frank wins me a Pink doggy
  2. We go see Stuart all dressed in his Army Get-up at their station just beyond Princess Gates
  3. We win a Brian (Family Guy) dressed up as a Banana toy for Rocky (from which he removes the eyes <5>
  4. Lose $20 at the Age & Weight Game; Frank loses 10 lbs therefore we lose.
  5. Drown our sorrows in the Food Building; he gets 2 subs w/ drink and chips combo, I just down a Sausage and drink.
  6. Try the age and weight game again- losing another $20 because I also lose 10 lbs.
  7. We go back out and win some more prizes; I win him the one he wanted- Kenny!
  8. Back to the Food Building; I get a Beavertail with a Peach/Mango Smoothie
  9. Meet up with Stu and head to BMO Field to watch the Musical Salute with Mr. and Mrs. Angco
  10. Walk around some more, play a couple more games
  11. Get a poutine; keeps me warm.
  12. Frank plays his colour game a few more times (with me standing 3 meters away as not to jinx his usual winning streak)
  13. We decide to get going and wait 45 minutes for the next train... (we practically just missed it)
Surprisingly we didn't get any Tiny Toms (we usually average 4 bags) and didn't take much pictures...but it was an US date; so it was fun nonetheless.

Can't wait til next year!

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