Mood Quote:OCT72010

Mood Quote:OCT72010
"Maybe the best any of us can do is not quit, play the hand we've been given and accessorize the outfit we've got." - Carrie
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14 January 2008

Prince Charming

arrived in an Intrigue, named Betsy.

Once upon a Sunday, late in the evening. Princess Long Locks, sat upon her throne, quite distressed. She was feeling she had requested his presence, to calm her fears & give her confidence for the next day. Minutes and hours passed since noon. It seemed less and less likely that she would see Him. So, in time, she fell into a deep slumber... When she awoke, she was sad to see that the moon was too high in the sky. There was no possible way he could come-- for he would awake early the following morning.Then out of the blue- she hears his ring tone on her phone. looks out her window, and there he stands! Her Prince Charming, in front of Betsy, the silver-maned stallion! Her heart was aflutter! She dashed as quickly as she could down the staircase, with her li'l companion Rocky at her side. They greeted him with happy hugs and kisses. He truly saved the day.

Feeling: Lucky and Loved

Who needs the ring, when you have this kind of thing?

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