Mood Quote:OCT72010

Mood Quote:OCT72010
"Maybe the best any of us can do is not quit, play the hand we've been given and accessorize the outfit we've got." - Carrie
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14 February 2008

Early Bird

gets the apple!.. & the worm!

Feeling: Cheerful

I wake up @ 10 to 5, and can't go back to sleep. I keep myself up, watching various news casts from the night before, and the early-morning infomercials. I remember being 5, waking up at this time to get ready to go to Christanelle's so that her Lolo and Lola can babysit me.

Anyway, my mom is up, and I go to her room--- she then points me to the package I've been waiting for! My apple necklace! A little history about my infatuation with the Apple Necklace begins with me going to Fairview mall nearing the end of last summer. I go into Guess, check out their new merchandise and am quickly drawn to the new accessories...and needless to say, their RED Apple necklace. Joy was with me, and found the necklace quite nice herself.

The Apple pendant is significant to me, because I for one, want to be a teacher. I thought that if I wore this necklace, my goal would always be in visible, and, close to my heart. Months pass, with me still assuming that the necklace would be there-- but I am wrong, as they take it off their display cases. *le sigh.

I roam endlessly on the internet finding only other bloggers who are enjoying their Apple-find, and I am left empty handed. So, I find this pink apple, quickly fall in love, and order it on a whim! I know it may sound impulsive, but here is my reasoning:
  1. The Guess necklace/pendant would have cost me 4x this, PLUS TAX
  2. Although the Guess Apple was nice, and red, everyone knows I'm tickled Pink
  3. This will act as a visual focus point & keep me forever-motivated.

^Also, in relation to my Early Bird topic, I awake to ritually check Craigslist for some Ed.Ads and find one where they are in desperate need to find a replacement teacher to teach the remaining Elementary School Computer Courses Program that they offer, as their current teacher has just left since obtaining a Perm.FT position working with the YRDSB. Heck, so would I! Anyway, I applied for the position, and seeing that the post was made at 11PM last night, I am hoping to be one of the first applicants..

Update: I got the position!!

Oh and before I go, honorable mention to my Beloved, on this now Consumer-heavy, Valentine's Day!

6 Roses. 2 Chicken Souvlaki Dinners with Spinach Dip & Fried Calamari.

A Coke and Iced-Tea.Popcorn, Nibs and a Large Iced-Tea. And last but not least

John Rambo...or as Frank likes to say,"Giovanni Rambo"

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