Mood Quote:OCT72010

Mood Quote:OCT72010
"Maybe the best any of us can do is not quit, play the hand we've been given and accessorize the outfit we've got." - Carrie
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05 March 2008


My breath of fresh air!

In the midst of all that has gone wrong, things that didn't work out quite as planned, I am ecstatic to be rejuvenating my position with Kidproof. It's a taste of my future, and it sure is sweet!
I love the fact that I am teaching kids how to be proactive when it comes to their own safety, and the safety of others. The wide range of courses offer a wide palette for parents and children alike!
It is where I can stretch my own wings, deliver the material how I want to, and develop my own methods in having it a fun learning experience. When I'm up infront of all the students, I go into teaching-mode and am the happiest and most content.
Working with kids gives me great inspiration. Inspiration to realize my dreams and keep moving forward, despite all that has held me back..
So excited.
On my way.
Tomorrow IS another day!

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