Mood Quote:OCT72010

Mood Quote:OCT72010
"Maybe the best any of us can do is not quit, play the hand we've been given and accessorize the outfit we've got." - Carrie
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19 May 2008

iron man & pepper

The first longweekend of '08, and Frank & I go movie-mad.
We decide to watch 2 films, The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, and as titled, Iron Man. I give this movie a much deserved 5 stars. I am not for one with movies that are loaded with CG effects cause sometimes it can take away from the movie, rather than add to it. This movie proved opposite of the latter and we were both completely pleased. As with all movies, the beginning is action-packed, and pretty much has no plateaus. The plot moved smoothly and was well-directed. I for one could not help but notice all of the Audis in the film-- ESPECIALLY the R8! Audi at its finest.... now THAT is luxury!

Watching the movie and seeing Iron Man and his assistant Pepper, much reminded me of Frank and myself. There's always things that we disagree on, but its the kind of friction that brings us closer. He protects me, while I look out for him, on the sidelines. I'm the more low-profile "pro-tector" of the 2 of us.

All for all, a great movie. And a great weekend full of popcorn, m&ms, coca cola, nachos and movie previews!


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