Mood Quote:OCT72010

Mood Quote:OCT72010
"Maybe the best any of us can do is not quit, play the hand we've been given and accessorize the outfit we've got." - Carrie
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04 April 2010

Rise and Shine

It's Sunday morning, and I woke up with a lot on my mind; half-sleep will get me through the day, but I can't help but see that last night -another get together- raised a lot of emotions for me.

Slowly I'm coming to the conclusion that the more I see people, the more frequent my thought-processes have been stirred up.

I usually 'burn through' these morning 'shake ups' with a tea-condensed milk-sugar concoction, and that settles me for a good while. As I lay here with my laptop. lap-set. wiggling my toes as i type, I think to myself, "Rise and Shine."

It's EASTER SUNDAY and if Jesus Christ can resurrect himself, I surely hope my prayers will be answered and I can do the same, with myself.

Rise and Shine - not just your army wake up call; no boots to shine here, captain!

Rise and Shine -- maybe this should become my mantra.

Rise and Shine --- make everyday count.

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