Mood Quote:OCT72010

Mood Quote:OCT72010
"Maybe the best any of us can do is not quit, play the hand we've been given and accessorize the outfit we've got." - Carrie
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20 May 2008

back to the daily grind

is what most people refer the first day returning from the long weekend. I tend to see things in a more positive light, (specifically in my case).
I actually missed working with the kids and was elated to see them today! In looking at all the different things I've done, the "jobs" I loved, I have never seen as, "input: hours = output: paycheck."
With jobs like this and Kidproof, I get so much more from them than just the biweekly papier; I get the anticipation before every shift, excitement of a new day, the prepatory work drills, and get turn on my "teaching-mode" switch. I automatically de-stress because I'm working; Stress is no longer the result of work. Thanks kids!

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