Mood Quote:OCT72010

Mood Quote:OCT72010
"Maybe the best any of us can do is not quit, play the hand we've been given and accessorize the outfit we've got." - Carrie
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09 June 2008

my daily fix

...swapping one addiction for another

is pretty much what I'll be doing once I get my blackberry. As Frank blatantly pointed out to me this weekend, I have an unusual habit whenever I get home; even if it's just getting home from a half-an-hour walk with Rocky: I will instantly sit down at my desk, log onto MSN, open multiple browser windows, and click on the following: Perez Hilton, Facebook, Hotmail, & various other websites. My morning routine, in addition to the norm, is the above daily computer fix. It's like an instant shot of morning espresso, and simply gives me much satisfaction. Firstly, I know it's an addiction. To me, I think it's my way of feeling connected. Some people stay-connected by watching The Hills religiously, then joining fellow addictees by sitting through The Hills: The Aftershow, but I for one, have my internet fix. I'm not a Facebook stalker, I just need to be logged on, or meticulously changing layout-aspects to my profile (or Rocky's). Like any addiction, I know that roots of mine. It all began last year when I got shafted for a summer position, and was left at-home, free to my own devices: where my device of choice, was the computer. I obsessively would check all job-related websites and try to find something suitable for a student & one whom had plenty of bills to pay. Of no avail to me, I was left to develop this daily habit that became routine, and now, an absolute necessity. I added different branches to my net-addiction and this blog, as of Jan.08 is one of the more productive outlets.. (yet still contributive, nonetheless) All I know is, September is coming, and I will be away from my computer (sidenote: my li'l handheld is not WiFi compatible) and will take up the valuable time I get home by catching up, not being productive and reading/writing. Therefore, this blackberry will be a great way to compliment my mild addiction; I will still be on-the-go, but this time, taking the internet with me!

P.S.- It doesn't help that the Pearl comes Pre-loaded with Facebook, either.

P.P.S- *I like that fact.

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